The day after Halloween, known as All Saints Day, or as The Candypocalypse in my circle of friends, has long been a day of dread for the parents of the students of the Slam Dunk School of Everything. Today, parents have a choice: let the candy flow freely, or ration out the candy over the next few weeks or months. As for me, I choose to let the candy flow freely and here is my reasoning...
My daughter is hyperactive, the diagnosis is ADHD, although I am convinced that medicating her personality out of existence is not the answer to a diagnosis that way too many children have gotten. Here is a blog post about it that I appreciate. For Coral, candy is a stimulus that brings out the hyperactive monster in her. She turns into a screaming, emotional child who cannot control herself. One piece of candy will do this to her, although chocolate is worse than non-chocolate. So the question I have to ask myself is, should I deal with a monster everyday for the next few weeks, or one or two days this week? I choose the latter. She's going to be a monster regardless of how many pieces of candy she gets, so I am going to let her be a monster today and maybe tomorrow and then the candy will be gone and I will have my normal child again.
Candypocalypse: here we come!
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